By Joao Costa

In early 2023 PIACERE has been awarded with a third and final Horizon Results Booster programme focus innovation management to enhance the already mature exploitation work we have been developing so far. This is part of the Go to Market service and is following the previous two programmes on Exploitation Strategy (where we have analysed the 3 main KERs reflecting Dev-Sec-Ops) and Business Plan Development (where we analysed the IaC Execution Manager in depth, preparing its value proposition canvas and consequent lean business model canvas). In this final programme, we started by exploring the funding opportunities at national and European level, with particular focus on the new programme of the European Research Council, EIC Transition, that is particularly relevant for the takeover of promising research results, and the Digital Europe programme that could be complementary to the opportunities in Horizon Europe innovation action calls that are a natural follow-up of reasearch projects as PIACERE is, to further mature developed technologies before going into production.

The second session of this programme had a hands-on workshop format, where we went through the wide range of exploitation materials we have been preparing in the intense first months of 2023. These range from the value proposition canvas and lean business model canvasfor each of the six key exploitable results (KER). We have prepared a new KER to be explored in this coaching session, reflecting PIACERE Open, the end-to-end open source solution that is provided in the end of the project and is complemented by paid features that expand the performance of the open source technology and make PIACERE’s business model consistent. After this final session, we reviewed and republished the KER profiles at the Horizon Results Platform (see here) and, the security-related assets at the Cyberwatching.eu Marketplace (see here).