First integrated PoC of the tool chain and initial business models to support sustainability.
The last 14th and 15th of June, all the PIACERE partners participated in the 6th General Assembly of PIACERE action. The two days duration meeting was held in Bilbao, where the office of TECNALIA, the partner coordinating PIACERE is settled. For the ones who couldn’t travel, they follow the GA online, through the Teams organized for that purpose.
Different workshops took place during the meetings focusing mainly on:
- Analyzing the technical details and current status of the PIACERE key results (DOML-E, ICG, Model Checker, IaC scanner, IOP, IEM, CSE, Self-learning and Self-Healing, Runtime security Monitoring and Integrated DevOps framework) and future-mid term plan for their implementation
- Demonstrating a complete functional demo on a basic example, through the IDE with all the KRs integrated.
- Understanding the three use cases and their implementation roadmap as well as the path to the evaluation of the PIACERE KRs.
- Deriving the potential business models and business scenarios that may assure the sustainability of PIACERE outcomes.
- Advancing on the communication, dissemination and networking activities and plan for the second period of the project.
- Discussion of the M18 review scenario and agreement on the approach to follow in order to show the achievements so far.
All the main open technical, business and communication related issues where discussed and (for some of them) final decisions were mad . As a conclusion, a set of action points were derived with the objective of having the integrated version of the PIACERE solution ready for the review and for the Use Cases to be validated. Good luck !!