During 2021, 4 General Virtual Assemblies and the first integration workshop were held. Due to COVID-19, the meeting was held online using Teams.
The Project began in December 2020. In the PIACERE kick off virtual meeting, where all the partners met and the procedures for achieving the project goals was discussed.
Project timelines and milestones were discussed and agreed upon. Also started discusing about the DevOpsModellingLanguage (DOML), infrastructural code generation and verification of models and code, including SAST, DAST and cryptography.
In March, during the 2nd General assembly was talked about PIACERE workflow, the sequence of activities that a DevOps team menber has to do when using PIACERE. Also, was discussed on the security verification tools, the canary environment, optimization and deployment.
During the 3th virtual General assembly (6-8 July), a key discussion point was the planning of the first proofs of concept to be delivered by the end of the year.
During the 4th General assembly (2-3 November), the first demos were presented.
In the first integration workshop (14-15 December) all partners have been working towards the first PIACERE Integrated framework.